Important Dates

  • Born: March 16, 1975
  • Diagnosed MFH Sarcoma: December 2008
  • Died: February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chemo - 1 Down, 2 to Go - February 17, 2010

Pete and I headed out to the oncology office a little after 9 yesterday morning. There was less than an inch of snow on the ground but it was still snowing and the traffic news was reporting accidents so I wanted to make certain we had plenty of time to get to the 10 AM appointment.

We arrived just a bit ahead of schedule but it seemed that things in the office were a bit behind, so we didn't actually see Dr. W until about 10:30. Pete had not gotten any call about the MRI report (re: pain on the left side in the area of his scapula) so we were pretty certain that it was not some new nasty that had suddenly croppped up. Dr. W explained that one of the lung tumors had increased in size and was impinging on nerves within the thoracic cavity. Though I have no medical training whatsoever, he confirmed my suspicions of what was causing the discomfort. Pete may experience some relief as the chemo begins shrinking the cancer.

When the doctor finished, Pete went right into the chemo suite to begin the day's infusion.

It had been snowing very steadily and as I drove home I wished I could have taken some pictures. This was a very light snow of tiny flakes and it looked as though someone had taken a giant shaker and sprinkeled powdered sugar over the whole landscape. The trees were especially beautiful.

I picked Pete up at the end of the day. He was tired, but was feeling pretty close to normal otherwise. Today we head back up for day 2.

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