Important Dates

  • Born: March 16, 1975
  • Diagnosed MFH Sarcoma: December 2008
  • Died: February 23, 2011

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dacarbazine Infusion #3 - May 13, 2010

Pete had his 3rd course of this chemo Wednesday morning. He just relaxed for a bit after we got home and felt well enough to go out to dinner in the evening. He went to work today and it looks as though he'll be putting in a full day since it's almost time for him to be coming home. One of his co-workers had said she would give him his Nulasta shot since she's experienced at giving insulin injections and they're basically the same kind, just subcutaneous sticks.

Tomorrow he'll go for the brain MRI and then get the results next week at his appointment with the radiology oncologist, Dr. W2.


  1. Dacarbazine is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body.

  2. Unfortunately, DTIC (aka Dacarbazine) and so many other "proven" anti-cancer drugs are not effective against all forms and types of cancer. Though it did seem to have some effect on Pete's cancer initially, it's efficacy was short lived.
