Important Dates

  • Born: March 16, 1975
  • Diagnosed MFH Sarcoma: December 2008
  • Died: February 23, 2011

Friday, April 2, 2010

I Want You to Understand... - April 2, 2010

My son is not always communicative, so when he is in the mood to talk, I am there for him.

The other day he said, "Mom, I want you to understand that I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep fighting, but I have to be realistic. I'm going to die, so before I do, there are some things I'd like to do while I still can."

With that as a springboard, we had a surreal, non-emotional conversation. It was all very matter-of-fact. He's right. He will die. So will I. Either one of us could get killed in a car accident tomorrow. I know why he said what he said and I do understand. I take him at his word. He will not give up, and neither will I. There is always hope to hold onto no matter how fragile or distant it is or how uncertain the prognosis.

1 comment:

  1. This has to be the best statement I have read in a long time. I applaud both you for your wisdom. As tough as it is, now you each know what you are thinking.
