Important Dates

  • Born: March 16, 1975
  • Diagnosed MFH Sarcoma: December 2008
  • Died: February 23, 2011

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bloodwork #2 Post Infusion - September 23, 2010

It was a relatively quick and painless trip to Beth Israel this morning for blood work. All the numbers are good, electrolytes are good, hydration is good, etc. A stopped by and asked Pete whether he'd prefer starting the next round of chemo on Monday or Tuesday. He chose Tuesday.

O also stopped by and asked how the acupunture went. Pete told her that the pain seems to have lessened, but not to the extent as he experienced after the first session. She told him that the most dramatic improvement does usually come after the first treatment and with subsequent treatments the changes are more subtle.

B, the social worker, is out until some time next week, so it was suggested we call D2 to see if we could find out our status for Hope Lodge. I'm fairly confident that things will go well for the second round, so Pete and I discussed our options. Neither of us was really happy at the hotel and the cost was pretty hefty. There is a campground at Liberty Island State Park and we could take our RV up there. It's actually a lot closer to the city than it was from the hotel and quite a bit less costly. Of course, we'd also have to have a car since taking the rig into the city would be a real headache, especially trying to park it!

For now, we'll most likely start out from home and just do the commuter thing. We've been though it once so we know how the drill goes. The first and last days are the 8-hour marathons, but if they make the appointment time for the intermediate days around 10 we should have very little problem with the traffic going either direction. We'll just play it by ear and hope for the best.

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