Important Dates

  • Born: March 16, 1975
  • Diagnosed MFH Sarcoma: December 2008
  • Died: February 23, 2011

Thursday, October 21, 2010

PET Scan - October 21, 2010

Pete's been feeling pretty well and since he'd just be having a scan it seemed to be a reasonable thing for him to drive into the city himself. As with any venture into NYC, however, you never know what you'll run into on the way. Since the scan was not being done at Beth Israel but rather at an imaging facility farther uptown closer to Sloan Kettering, Pete was following the directions provided by his GPS. It seems that the NYPD officers had other ideas and where the GPS told him to turn left to get to his destination, the police told him to just keep going straight. That took him through the Queens Midtown Tunnel and he then had to navigate his way out of Queens back to where he was supposed to be. Consequently he was a half hour late for his appointment.

The PET, including prep time, takes about 3 hours and you're supposed to lie still during the actual scan. Pete said he fell asleep and they had to wake him when it was finished. Consequently, he forgot to pick up his copy of the CD to take to his appointment with the doctor tomorrow. He realized it when he got home so called L, the doctor's secretary. She said that the facility would be sending the disc to the doctor, but it sometimes doesn't arrive the next day, so she advised Pete not to worry and that she would call him to reschedule the appointment after the CD was received.

That's all for now. We'll just wait for the call to let us know the day and time of the appointment to get the results of the PET scan.

Check "Other Stuff" for update on Pan and my head wound.

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